Monday, 4 May 2015



did her dad no favors by posting a pic she took of herself driving on an L.A. freeway ... at the same time Bruce is under investigation for a fatal car accident he caused by being inattentive.
The 17-year-old posted the POV shot Sunday -- bragging about her Calabasas roots and adding, "I'll probably die here." Considering her dad's situation ... the freeway pic could be taken another way.
Kylie's driving decisions should have absolutely nothing to do with Bruce, but the reality is ... prosecutors go after people for all sorts of reasons, and one involves sending messages. If the D.A. thinks the whole family flaunts the laws of the road, it can't be good for Bruce.
And don't forget, she's already being sued for a car accident she allegedly caused just a few weeks after getting her license.
Bottom line -- this is not a good look.

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